
DEBUG: Cache is NOT active
DEBUG: oAuth Bearer Authentication Setting: 5455263AFAC252B79291D8FBAB07DF12
DEBUG: try to retieve this url: https://go.greedygame.com/v4/report/adx/generate
DEBUG: wp_safe_remote_get to https://go.greedygame.com/v4/report/adx/generate
DEBUG: arguments: Array ( [timeout] => 5 [sslverify] => [headers] => Array ( [Authorization] => Bearer 5455263AFAC252B79291D8FBAB07DF12 ) [user-agent] => JCI WordPress-Plugin - free Version )
DEBUG: success getting URL

DEBUG: api-answer:
Inspect JSON: Copypaste (click in box, Strg-A marks all, then insert into clipboard) the JSON from the following box to https://jsoneditoronline.org):

DEBUG: basenode: level1
DEBUG: template:

DEBUG: We have a Problem with JSON here:
Either we got no JSON from the API. Or the basenode-parameter is not ok.
Switch on the Debugmode of the Plugin!
Switch to gutenberg-Blocks!
There the JSON Content Importer Block gives an easier way to use the JSON-APIs.
Or: Switch on the Debugmode by adding "debugmode=10" in the Shortcode.

If all is without success: Open ticket at wordpress.org please

DEBUG: result:

We have a Problem with JSON here:
Either we got no JSON from the API. Or the basenode-parameter is not ok.
Switch on the Debugmode of the Plugin!
Switch to gutenberg-Blocks!
There the JSON Content Importer Block gives an easier way to use the JSON-APIs.
Or: Switch on the Debugmode by adding "debugmode=10" in the Shortcode.

If all is without success: Open ticket at wordpress.org please

Insert this Shortcode on a page: It displays debug info (debugmode=”10″) and JSON data starting with the node (basenode=”level1″).